Friday, March 14, 2008

For Monday the 17th...

...we'll be having a Vocab Quiz on Unit 10.

Flashcards will be due.

For a long-range forecast:

I'm hoping to get your first drafts back to you by next week- likely Thursday, though this may float out to Monday, given that we're not in school on Friday.

That means that the final draft of your term paper (intro, bio, poem #1, poem #2, conclusion, and bibliographies) are going to be due either March 28th or March 31st.
We'll be working on vocab (unit 11) and Things Fall Apart all this coming week, so please be prepared and bring your books with you. Between the 20th of March and the final draft of your paper being due, I won't be assigning any daily homework- I expect you to be using this time to work on your paper.

Have a safe weekend.
